Hello, and a very warm welcome to my writing desk where you will find a number of options to items which I hope will be of interest.
The Dogs (and cats) of Our Lives button will take you to a series of forty, self-contained, short stories, in which I have chronicled the lives of the many pets who have padded across the pages of my life during the four decades of my marriage.
The central focus of Dogs of Our Lives are the stirring events of the year 2000, which are described in the fifteen stories beginning with ‘Stop! Thief!’ and ending with ‘Finale’. These fifteen stories are in chronological order and will be difficult to follow if you read them at random.
The Kruger Park button currently only has one option entitled Roads Less Travelled. This is a photographic journey through the northern areas of the Kruger Park. Although I have completed about 75% of the chapters, I will be updating them with each new visit to the Park. I hope to cover the southern section of the Park eventually as well.
The third button is All For Jesus and has three options, two of which are My Testimony, in which I describe how I converted from someone who thought she was a Christian to someone who knows she is. The third option is a series of six studies entitled Standing Firm. These deal with learning to control and overcome negative emotions. If you have ever struggled with resentment or rage, anxiety or depression, then I do hope you will find these studies useful.
Finally, I have published two novels – Ring of Fire and A Lily among Thorns. If you are interested in finding out more about them, then click on the Book button. Included are reviews as well as the Story Behind The Stories describing the motivation behind writing the books.
The Store button will give details as to how to order them.
If you wish to contact me personally, use Facebook Messenger. My profile is Colleen Bennett Oehme.